How to Find Websites That Have My Drivers License Uploaded on It

Last update: 07 Apr 2021

The utilise of mobile and digital applied science in today's world is e'er-evolving but rapidly becoming relied upon for many everyday tasks.

Safety, convenience,and ease of use are key drivers for this trend, particularly for transactions that require some form of identification. And 1 of the near used documents to confirm identity and proof of age is now going mobile - the commuter's license.

The chief goals of the driving license, whether physical or digital, remain to confirm the identity and to confer the right to drive a vehicle.

During the final few years, studies and pilots take been conducted in several states in the US to explore the technical feasibility of a digital driver'due south license.

In that location, digital driver's licenses also referred to as mobile driver's licenses were developed and tested to ensure proper security protocols were incorporated for avant-garde digital security aslope a convenient user experience.

While early on pilots retained the key visual aspects of a physical commuter'southward license, displaying the driver's personal information - name, accost, and date of nascency, along with his photograph, new standards are at present used that allow the user to command what data is shared and displayed in each situation. These standards provide strengthened privacy settings to ensure personal information is kept private.

More well-nigh our mobile commuter's license airplane pilot.

In August 2016, the US Commerce Department's National Establish of Standards and Engineering science (NIST) awarded a $2M grant to Thales to support the development of a smartphone-based mobile driver's license to provide citizens a secure companion to their physical license or ID card.

Through this grant, iv jurisdictions – Colorado, Maryland, Wyoming and Washington DC – participated in a multi-jurisdiction pilot for a secure mobile driver's license, the first of its kind in the The states. The pilots included a number of scenarios using the mobile driver's license for aerodrome security, Driver Motor Vehicle (DMV) enrollment, age verification, and law enforcement verification, which were all received extremely well by all parties involved.

With hundreds of participants across these four jurisdictions, we learned first-hand that citizens are ready for this technology, and want to use it. In fact, our pilot findings showed that:

ix to 10 participants indicated they felt confident using the mobile driver'south license to verify age,
while 4 in 5 liked not having to manus over a concrete license.

Discover in item and pictures the July 2017 mobile commuter's License airplane pilot in Colorado​.

The convenience of the mobile format,
potential new identification use cases​​

Across the disquisitional security aspects, issuing authorities have shown particular interest in the universal convenience of this mobile format:​

  • Convenience for holders, who can travel lighter with a mobile driver'south license, instantly updatable, on their phone.
  • Convenience for law enforcement or other parties wanting to verify identity and privileges.
  • Convenience for issuing authorities who can explore new services needing such a trusted and secure channel for sharing and validating identity.

The driver's license has been a standard for decades, acting not simply every bit proof that you lot can drive merely as an ID to verify historic period and identity, opening mobile driver'due south license to many usages such as:

  • Law enforcement: traffic stops to identify the driver of a vehicle and his/her driving privileges.
  • Proof of age: where the purchase of age-restricted products, similar alcohol, is to be verified by the retailer selling those products.
  • Car rental: to place the renter, ensure their driving privileges, and share the required attributes for the rental contract (proper name, address…etc.)
  • Identity validation or confirmation for hotel check-in, financial institutions, social services...
  • Online authentication: from access control to identity verification…

Digital driver'southward license
The 2014-2021 The states mural​

What states take a mobile driver'south license?

Several states have passed legislation for or authorized the study of, smartphone driver's license apps. Some highlights are shown in the timeline below:


  • Iowawas the kickoff land to decide to test a mobile driver's license. It started a pilot on an IOS platform with 100 state employees at the end of 2015, with the goal to examination the daily usability of the solution. The Department of Transportation hopes to make the app public later on this yr (was initially planned for 2019).


  • In Tennessee,legislation (HB556) enacted on twenty May 2015, authorizing the State DMV to develop a secure "electronic driver license system" and to display electronic images on a cellular telephone or any other portable electronic device. Currently soliciting information for a potential Tennessee mDL program through a Request For Proposal (RFP) issued on xiv Dec 2020.
  • Kentucky was because the topic as well, simply a feasibility written report has not been launched every bit the measure did not receive a hearing.
  • In California, the land legislature passed a pecker (February – September 2015) to study the feasibility of a digital mobile driver'south license app for a smartphone, which was, however, vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown in Oct 2015.
  • In Illinois, the country legislature canonical a resolution in 2015 that created an Electronic Commuter's License Job Forcefulness to study the feasibility of a mobile driver'south License.  The Chore Force reported its findings on 21 April 2016 recommending that the Secretarial assistant of Country continue to monitor advancements in mobile driver'due south license engineering science.
  • North Dakota passed HCR 3036 in March 2015 to report the implications of commuter'due south licenses for smartphones. However, the mensurate has non been considered as of October 2016 by Legislative Management.


  • In Arizona, Senate Bill 1237 passed and signed on xi May 2016. Arizona Section of Transportation (ADOT) to study and specify what may be done with an electronic driver's license. Information technology eventually launched its DDL in March 2021.
  • In Utah, Beak 227, effective in May 2016, requires the Driver License Partition and Department of Engineering science Services to report and report findings and recommendations regarding electronic commuter licenses.
    Expected to begin a mobile driver's license pilot in early on 2021.
  • In Louisiana, Pecker 481 signed by Governor Edwards on 23 June 2016. The law outlines requirements for a digitized driver's license and allows persons to apply the digitized license instead of a physical license when stopped past law enforcement; as well provides that the display of the digital driver'due south license shall not serve as consent to search the mobile device.
    An App named La Wallet is available equally of July 2018 for iOS and Android devices for $5.99.
  • In New Jersey, a bill introduced in January 2016 was withdrawn from consideration in Feb 2016.
  • In Baronial 2016, Thales was awarded a grant by NIST (for the multi-jurisdiction pilot described above) with 4 jurisdictions to ascertain and create a convenient and secure manner for citizens and authenticating parties to exchange and verify authorities-issued credential data via smartphone.


  • In Arkansas,Senate Bill 428 signed into law on 21 March 2017, allowing the Office of Driver Services to issue a digital copy of an Arkansas driver'southward license for a $x fee.
  • Thales multi-jurisdiction pilots began going live in Colorado and Maryland (July 2017), followed by Wyoming (November 2017). September 2017 was dedicated to full airplane pilot analysis, determination, lessons learned, best practices. More than information can be found on our notes from the field dedicated pages.


  • Texas initiated a digital identification pilot plan in April 2019 through Business firm of Representatives HB 181. The intention is to have a secondary source that does non necessarily supplant the physical card.
  • Oklahoma introduced its electronic driver'southward license at the stop of 2019.
  • In Michigan, beak 454 proposes the introduction of an electronic driver'south license on 28 August 2019. The neb was referred to the commission of transportation and infrastructure.
  • Colorado launched its Digital ID in November 2019, co-ordinate to the Wall Street Periodical. The myColorado app has been downloaded 75,000 times as of two Dec 2020.


  • Florida announced that its mobile driver'southward license will be bachelor in 2021. The Florida mobile driver's license from Thales will begin a pilot in early on 2021.

The American Clan of Motor Vehicle Administrators Working Grouping is looking at mDL standards and their specifications.
Visit the AAMVA folio dedicated to Mobile Driver'south License (mDL).

Mobile driver'south license as Real ID

The legal surround is also positively impacted past the famous Riley 5. California case of September 2014. The Usa Supreme Court ruled that Police force may non, without a warrant, search digital information on a mobile phone seized from an individual during an abort.

This decision makes information technology easier for states to implement mDL solutions since the court is clear: Police cannot arbitrarily search phones.​

The 21 December 2020 beak voted by Congress is besides explicit (page 423): The presentation of information from a mobile or digital driver's license does non grant access to information stored on the mobile phone, nor can information technology exist seized by authorities.

The aforementioned text specifies (page 422) that not-physical versions of driving licenses will be considered valid when Existent ID enforcement starts (1 Oct 2021 according to DHS).

Of form, mobile commuter'due south licenses have to be issued in accordance with regulations.

Moreover, according to Allstate Corporation, ane of the largest insurance providers in the United States, ​49 states permit drivers to utilise an electronic copy of their insurance bill of fare​ during a traffic stop as of November 2020.

Other initiatives effectually the world

  • In Australia, New South Wales announced in November 2015 the introduction for 2016 of digital driving licenses on smartphones. In Feb 2016, the printing revealed that Victoria is as well analyzing technology to produce a digital driver'due south license app in the next few months. Western Commonwealth of australia State appear a plan to plow commuter'due south licenses into digital IDs in Apr 2016.

New Southward Wales' Premier Mike Baird promised to introduce the digital license within four years. Withal, a lot of co-performance will exist needed to fix a applied multi-jurisdictional approach in the country.

In November 2016, NSW's Government minister for Finance, Services and Property Dominic Perrottet said that digital driver licenses would be introduced by 2019. A pilot in Dubbo​ started in November 2017.

The mDL, to exist introduced in September 2019, has been delayed.

South Australia launched its mDL at the end of 2017 and, in September 2019, the Queensland government announced a trial of digital licenses. The test is fix to start in 2020 in Fraser Coast.

The digital license app could integrate other digitized documents, including learner licenses, photo ID cards, and vehicle registration. The mobile app could as well serve every bit a key to electronic authorities services in the future co-ordinate to IT news of 8 Jan 2020.

  • In May 2016, United kingdom's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Bureau (DVLA)​ revealed it was likewise working on a digital driving license for smartphones. DVLA showed a "prototype" of a feature that would let people store their licenses on their phones and turn the driver's iPhone into an ID. According to the Daily Mail of 31 March 2017, the ​​Agency will exam the system this September and plan a gyre-out for bound 2018. The existing Great britain driving licence will however be available.​​ ​​​
  • In Oct 2016​, senior officials at the Dutch road transport authorization had fabricated it clear that the country is working on a mobile app version​ of the license that would accompany a carte.​
  • ​​​In July 2017, CONTRAN, the Brazilian National Traffic Board, approved a proposition for a digital commuter'southward license to be launched in 2018. Brazil made DDL available in April 2018. 
  • In February 2018, Republic of finland's Transport and Safety Agency​ revealed that later a successful test, it would ringlet out a free digital driver'south license by the finish of summertime. The DDL app is not a replacement for the existing certificate simply a supplement for now.
  • At the end of Feb 2018, Kosovo appear that information technology would be the showtime state in the world to whorl out a mobile driver'southward license countrywide.​
  • In Feb 2019, Argentina made driving licenses digital.
  • In Thailand, digital driver's licenses are legal starting in September 2019.
  • Norway made its new digital driving license app available on ane Oct 2019.
  • In October 2019, South Korea announced that it would make its digital driver'southward licenses bachelor in Q1 2020. According to the Korea Herald of 12 August 2020, over 1 1000000 drivers are using the digital driver's license app.
  • In November 2020, Denmark launched its driving license App. The driver's license is the first ID proof to become digital in the land. The Danish health card will also get a digital version in 2021.

Other countries are too investigating this choice.

mDL standards progressing

As of today, the mobile driver license market is at an early on stage, and current standards are in the process of being finalized. In 2016, the ISO SC17 WG10 - Chore Force 14 "Mobile Driving License" started to work on verification standards for Mobile DL and gear up the scope of offline verification.

In early Dec 2017, Thales shared its results from the first phase of airplane pilot activity with the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) technical committee in a coming together in Vienna.

The company brought its contribution to the formation of standards modeling in the hereafter.Data minimization and privacy protection were hot topics covered in session discussions.

More on the ISO 18013-5 ("Personal Identification – ISO-Compliant Driving License – Office v:  Mobile Driving License Application" be found hither.

ISO 18013 is the standard for driver's licenses, and Part five is to specify the technical requirements for mobile driver's licenses.

Interoperability tests have been organized in Japan in October 2018, in the USA in August 2019, and in Commonwealth of australia in November 2019.

Mobile driver license

Iv key requirements

The mobile driver's license needs to address four essential requirements to gain acceptance as a trusted digital identity.

It needs to be:

  1. accessible in both online and offline modes,
  2. highly secure to protect the confidentiality and privacy of user data,
  3. interoperable between different issuing and verifying government,
  4. able to manage the integrity of data throughout its life bicycle - from enrollment to the in-field verification process.

For the time being, mobile driving licenses will not supplant concrete driver'due south licenses but volition be equally a secondary class of ID to complement these concrete driver'due south licenses.


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